Saratov State Art Museum named after A. Radishchev

A. Bogolyubov

Saratov is one of the most cultural places along the Volga.

Saratov State Art Museum was founded in 1885. It was the first public museum in the Russian province.
The famous Tretyakov Gallery was opened only in 1892.
The founder of Saratov Museum was an artist Aleksey Bogolyubov, 
the grandson of the Russian revolutionary and enlightener 
Alexander Radishchev.
A. Bogolyubov was a famous patron of the arts.

More than 30 thousand works are kept there.
In the museum there is a library which has a rich collection of ancient and modern editions, manuscripts. In the Big Hall musical concerts, literary and art evenings are usually held. Some of the halls, which deal with brilliant paintings stand out in your memory very vividly.  
I.Repin "Potrait of Nadya Repina"
 The exposition of the museum includes a significant collection of Russian icons, sculptures, graphics, ancient books.

The museum contains historical paintings, portraits, landscapes by K. Bryullov, V. Perov, A. Benua, K. Petrov-Vodkin and others. You can marvel at the finest works of such celebrities as I.Repin, V. Surikov, I. Shishkin, A. Bogolyubov, V. Borisov-Musatov. 
I. Repin, a representative of  the artistic movement "Peredvizhniki", created many brilliant portraits. The most famous one is the potrait of Nadya Repina, his daughter. 

Every year a lot of people visit Saratov State Art Museum and
 enjoy excellent treasures of Russian art.