Kirov Avenue

 You'll go on foot along Kirov Avenue and take joy in observing modern magnificent buildings.

 Kirov Avenue is famous for architectural houses, souvenir shops, cosy cafes and extravagant restaurants.
You can buy unusual handmade souvenirs here.
 We believe you've  learned  a lot about the sights of Saratov, its history. 
The city is a real "open air museum".
Our excursion is coming to an end. 
Visit Saratov again  and enjoy the sightseeing! 

Saratov State Conservatory

Saratov State Conservatory is the symbol of the city.
The citizens of Saratov were fond of singing folk songs to the accompaniment of the Saratovskaya concertina with three little bells. People were also interested in classical music. In 1875 the first musical school was opened. Later it turned into a Musical College and in 1912 into a Conservatory. It was the third Russian higher musical institution after the St. Petersburg and Moscow Conservatories.

The wide-spread interest in classical and modern music, jazz is reflected in large audiences of concerts in the L.V. Sobinov State Conservatory.
Nowadays about 300 concerts, various musical festivals and contests are held  in the Halls of the institution.
In November 2012 the International Competition of young pianists'll take place here to the 100th Anniversary of Saratov State Conservatory.


Saratov is rich in many parks.
Lipky is one of the oldest parks in Saratov.
The famous park is called Lipky because of the number of linden trees planted there in1885.

It is situated in the historical centre of the city. More than one thousand trees and 300 bushes grow here: 
a fragrant poplar, a pine, a hazel, a walnut, lindens, maples and others.

The park is the most popular place to rest. 
You  can walk among the green trees and beautiful flowerbeds, 
relax on the benches or fresh grass
 and admire wonderful nature.
The children can take part in different activities on the playground.

Everything is quiet and peaceful around.
You could hardly imagine that an enormous city with its traffic and noise is a few paces away.    

Church-chapel "Soothe My Sorrows"

  The church-chapel "Soothe My Sorrows" is an Orthodox church situated in the centre of the city near the park "Lipky". The temple in honor of the Mother of God "Soothe My Sorrows" is an object of cultural heritage in our region.

The project of the church was worked out by the architect Pyotr Zybin in 1903. In 1906 the building was finished. It was like St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.

You can see eight small onion domes around the central tent. The domes, covered with tin, were gilded creating a bright traditional combination of white, red and golden colours. Everyone can  notice marvellous use of green and blue ceramic inserts as well.

 On February 7 (on January 25th on old style) all orthodox note day of a holiday of an icon of the Mother of God «Satisfy mine grieves». Its name is a prayer to the Mother of God about disposal of many diseases and griefs, sincere and corporal.

Saratov State Art Museum named after A. Radishchev

A. Bogolyubov

Saratov is one of the most cultural places along the Volga.

Saratov State Art Museum was founded in 1885. It was the first public museum in the Russian province.
The famous Tretyakov Gallery was opened only in 1892.
The founder of Saratov Museum was an artist Aleksey Bogolyubov, 
the grandson of the Russian revolutionary and enlightener 
Alexander Radishchev.
A. Bogolyubov was a famous patron of the arts.

More than 30 thousand works are kept there.
In the museum there is a library which has a rich collection of ancient and modern editions, manuscripts. In the Big Hall musical concerts, literary and art evenings are usually held. Some of the halls, which deal with brilliant paintings stand out in your memory very vividly.  
I.Repin "Potrait of Nadya Repina"
 The exposition of the museum includes a significant collection of Russian icons, sculptures, graphics, ancient books.

The museum contains historical paintings, portraits, landscapes by K. Bryullov, V. Perov, A. Benua, K. Petrov-Vodkin and others. You can marvel at the finest works of such celebrities as I.Repin, V. Surikov, I. Shishkin, A. Bogolyubov, V. Borisov-Musatov. 
I. Repin, a representative of  the artistic movement "Peredvizhniki", created many brilliant portraits. The most famous one is the potrait of Nadya Repina, his daughter. 

Every year a lot of people visit Saratov State Art Museum and
 enjoy excellent treasures of Russian art. 

Museum Square

Museum Square is an architectural pearl of the city.

 The magnificent St. Trinity Cathedral                       
 is the oldest building in modern Saratov.
 In 1689 on a place of the burned-down wooden
 church the Stone Temple was erected.

 The cathedral was built in the then-fashionable Moscow baroque style.Tourists can enjoy the most beautiful and prominent bell tower, gilded domes, the gate fettered by iron. 
We can see beauty of the stiffened music in a stone.

It’s really the most wonderful monument of national Russian architecture.

The Embankment of Cosmonauts

 For a long time the city was called the capital in Volga Region. It used to be the centre of trade and business. In the 17th century fishing began to develop and get stronger. Tons of wonderful fish and caviar were sent from Saratov to different places in Russia.

  The emblem of the city is a shield with three sterlets on a blue-field.

Saratov is one of biggest ports on the Volga, the longest river in 
Europe which Russians call Mother Volga. The city stretches 
along the river for 34 km. In summer beautiful liners come up
 to river-boat stations and bring a lot of passengers from all parts of the country.

The Embankment of Cosmonauts is one of the most popular places of interest in Saratov. It's length is 1,5 km.
The Embankment of Cosmonauts was renamed in the honour of 
feats of the first cosmonauts and the outstanding achievements of the Soviet people  in space development. 

The Embankment of Cosmonauts was reconstructed and updated. Nowadays a lot of citizens and visitors spend their free time walking on cosy terraces, enjoying Rotonda, Lover's Monument and  a fine view of the road bridge of the Volga River.